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Monday, March 13, 2017

Sociology and our Children

Sociology and Our Children

1.  Identify and describe Kohlberg's three stages of moral development and explain how each stage applies to your own personality formation. 
a.       Preconventional level. This is usually for the ages of six and seven. Children’s perceptions are based upon perception, much like animal behavior, if you think about this. These are based on the punishment for behavior. Good behavior usually receives a treat, bad behavior usually receives punishment.
b.      Conventional level. Age ten through adulthood. Most people are concerned with how they are perceived by their peers, as well as with how one should conform with said rules of life.
c.       Post conventional level. It is stated that most adults reach this stage. People will view morality in terms of individual rights. Moral Conduct is judged by principles based on human rights that transcend human laws.

  1. Do you agree with Kohlberg, who suggested that the third stage is difficult for many people in our society to reach? Why or Why not.
                           No I do not agree with this factor. Why? Because, well you won’t like this answer, but oh well. I watch Stargate. On Stage people, with the stargate story can Ascend. I also feel that we as people can ‘transcend’ by doing things such as relaxing our minds and thoughts. I think it may be considered a relaxation method in fact. I have been reading up on them. Some refer to it as Buddhism, but I think it is just a way to relax, clear your mind, and ‘not’ think. I think it is a form of spirituality.

  1. List and describe the key agents of socialization. How did each agent shape and influence your life? Which of these agents has been the most important in your life?
a.       Reciprocal Socialization: process by which the thoughts, feelings, behavior, of individuals who have a direct influence on socialization.
b.      Agents of Socialization: Agents, groups, or persons that teach us what we  need to know to participate in society.
c.       Peer Group: A group of people who are linked by similar age, equal social position and interests.
d.      Mass Media: Large groups of print, electronic organizations that use the media, such as TV, email and such to communicate.
e.       Gender Socialization: Specific messages to specific genders.
f.        Racial Socialization: It contains racial or ethnic status pertaining to our socialization.
g.      Anticipatory Socialization: The process by which knowledge is learned for futuristic roles.
h.      Social Devaluation: A process by which a person or group is considered to have less value than other individuals or groups.
i.        Ageism: Prejudice against one regarding age, particularly older persons.
j.        Resocialization: A process of learning new or different set of values, attitudes and behaviors, from one’s previous background to and previous experience.
k.      Total Institution: This is Erving Goffman’s term for a place where people are isolated from society, more or less, considered to be ‘institutionalized.’

  1. Look in the South University Online library and the Internet for information on "Feral Children." Define feral children and explain why sociologists use feral children to support their arguments of the importance of socialization.
                 According to the Psychology dictionary, found here: it states the following and I quote: “FERAL CHILDREN: "Feral children are those reportedly raised by animals."”

      I did find a document worthy of sharing here: that I think everyone should read. It explains what we learned in this week. It explains it thoroughly, and in story format, with Genie. The details are very intriguing and I think it will help you see and understand things much better. The site is
     Why does society use feral children to support their arguments? With everything that I have researched, on my own, I have found that they feel that the feral children are a human child in animal state. Our lowest state. In other words, to compare us to that, is like the beginning. From that point, is progress. This however, is what I was to understand and how I grasped everything. From that point, they graph and determine everything.

    If you recall, in the 60s, they used chimps and taught them to eat from containers, and do tricks, and act like man and even dressed some, and sent them to space. They were rewarded, and taught, as well as punished. The punishments were not well known, they didn’t want you to know that it really happened, but it did. No one and nothing is perfect, and when teaching anyone, and anything, there is cause for error. Think about this step. In that time, they thought chimps and apes were closet to humans, now you hear them saying pigs and sheep. One day the egg will give you cancer, and the next day it’s good for you. Science…they are always learning.

Kendall, D. (2015). Sociology in Our Times, 11th Edition. Retrieved from
University, S. (2016). Introduction to Sociology. Retrieved from SOC1001 Week 1:

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