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Thursday, March 30, 2017

The SARA Model

Part 1
Share your responses to the following:
  • Discuss the SARA Model of POP and explain how it works.
  • Provide examples of each element of the SARA Model. Each of the four elements of the SARA Model has at least five different techniques or methods related to problem solving. Select two techniques or methods from each element and explain why you believe these are important for each element.

The SARA model is an acronym for:  Scanning, Analysis, Response, and Assessment. This is a system designed to improve the Policing and deterring of Crime. Each section has a list of items it does. The SARA model was designed to ensure that things were done to make a cause and effect type of plan to resolve issues with crime and the people, designed in hopes of resolving further issues.

Below here are a few example of the items in each section:
Prioritizing the problems- find the problem, see which problem is the most severe, and find and set a goal in hopes of implementing a plan of resolving it.
Confirming that the problems do in fact exist-determine that the problem is in fact real, and not imaginary. Sometimes problems can be in your head, or even over exaggerated to an extreme that they are worse than you think they are. After this is determined you work with the individual and help them see the problem, and what they can do to fix it, and perhaps even how someone can help.
Determining how frequent the problem occurs, and how long it has been happening-if the person is always relapsing, determine if there is something we can do to fix the issue. If the problems are because of someone or something, see what guidelines can be set. See if there is someone or something causing or helping to make this problem occur.
Researching any relevant data to be collected-go through past complaints, history, problems and issues. This can help to determine where to start.
I believe this is important because this helps the agent and the agency see where the problems are, and what should be done. It gives you are starting point. You read through everything, and while researching, you are getting the picture. You can than see what is the best action to take from that point.
Narrow the problem down as much as possible- Once you obtain all the information, this can lead you to the beginning. Once the beginning of the problem is found, you can see where or who the problem is and determine than- how to fix it, or even have an idea how to start.
Personally I believe this is another good stand point, because you as the agent or agency have seen all the problems and know what they are, and what leg you have to stand on, and what you could do. You can determine what is the worst problem of all, and decide what is the best issue to fix first. The worst problem, is what is causing the most harm, and once the worst problem is fixed, healing begins.
Identifying any relevant data- see if some of the problems are related to one another. Sometimes you have information that doesn’t have to do with the current problem, remove that information.
I think that if you are trying to resolve a family squabble, than remove what problems don’t have to do with that. Like for instance there is no reason to investigate their driving record and whereas they got tickets for driving without their seat belt. That has nothing to do with it, simply remove that from the situation.
Choosing interventions for the problem- this is where you can see if the person or persons need removed from one another, need counseling, need rehab, or what specific plans need set into place.
I personally like this factor, whereas the agent or agencies can determine the best solution for the problem. However, I don’t think these agencies need to assume, they truly need to make sure they are right, and make sure they have all of their I’s dotted before they jump to conclusion. Just because a person has taken Percocet for 15 years, does not make them a druggy. Yes, they are addicted, compliments of the doctor. But they don’t need labeled. And this is wrong in doing so. A person who has had this problem, putting into their chart “pain pill addict” for this is a label and every time they go to the Hospital for anything there after the Hospital automatically assumes, they are there for pain pills. Put yourself in that person’s shoes.
People do need and want counseling, but do you know how many people are afraid to open up to Counselors and why? Because even Counselors judge you, and report what you say! Doctor patient privilege and this HIPPA law, doesn’t honestly exist. You go in there and say: “OMG my kids are getting on my nerves. I am so annoyed. I could just kill myself!” Guess what?! It’s not “And how does that make you feel?” Because you just said how it makes you feel. It’s time for the crazy ward. So when an agent or agency compels people to counseling, most people aren’t going to open up. And this is why.
Yes, “We the people” a good 90% of us need it, and we can’t even afford it, but even if we could, we aren’t going to use it, because it honestly isn’t there to help us, it will only hinder us.
Following through with the plan- Once you set a plan into place, you go back from time to time, and see to it, that it is being followed through. In order to help, you need to be there. People need to know someone out their cares.
I agree, it would be nice to know that someone out there does care. Someone other than your shadow. And if someone actually followed through with their plan to take care of something, a probation officer, child welfare, any agency, who promised things for people, I would fall flat on my face if I ever saw it happen. It needs to happen, but it doesn’t. I would like to see more agencies do this, taking care of people, and doing for them, and honestly following through with the plans they made and changing people’s lives.
Seeing what other communities have done with similar issues to resolve similar problems- Investigate other areas and determine if they are having the same issues, and see how or even if they were able to fix it. Use some if not all of their idea’s to implement with yours.
Back in the day, when I was a child, the Recreation division used to have programs that were so much fun. We used to go every summer, they would go to the parks, and have games, and activities for us to do. Parks and recreation they were called, for the county in which we lived. I lived in Summit County, in Akron Ohio. This no longer happens. Not in Akron, not in Cocoa, Florida. I don’t know why. We had them all summer long, not just once in a blue moon. My siblings and I loved it. I would have loved to have it for my kids, but once I started having mine, it stopped. And now that I have grandkids, sure there are parks, and dog parks, but nothing happens in them, unless an individual decides to do something. These would make for excellent ideas to do again.
Determine whether or not the plan was followed through- keep in touch with the people and the agencies, make it known you will follow through, and see to it that the plans will be maintained, that you want to see a difference.
As I have stated, if HRS, and Probation officer would keep in touch with their clients, I think there would be less issues. People might then be less likely to recommit crimes. “Oh wait my probation officer might stop back in.” or “My case worker could show up any minute.” Things like this being in the back of a person’s mind might make them stop and think first.
Taking part in people’s lives, will cause them to make a difference, even if it’s only just to drop in and say Hi.
Determine any new strategies needed- if the plan you set into play doesn’t seem to be working, make a new one, and keep making new ones, until eventually you are successful. One way or another, changes can and will be made. Keep in mind, if you don’t give up, hopefully then, neither will the person or people, and even the agencies involved.
If you know the plan you made isn’t working, make a new one, this is always something to keep up with and make a goal. I feel if you are on top of this situation, and wanting to make a difference, with the person, and they are seeing you want to be effective, than sooner or later you will be.
Conduct ongoing assessment and assure following through will help its effectiveness-the fact that you are being assertive, and keeping involved, will keep everyone on their toes, and see to it, in the long run that everything will get done. This means business to everyone.
The wheel that squeaks the loudest always get the grease, my mother always said. If you are always going to be in their life, determined to make them change, sooner or later, they will. Be determined, let them see you aren’t going away until they do change.

Part 2
A neighborhood bar was the source of citizen complaints on a regular basis. Reports of loud music, drunken behavior, and fights in the parking lots resulted in multiple responses by the police to the location. On the basis of the scenario, please respond to the following:
  • Explain how the SARA Model could be incorporated to solve the problem faced by the community.
First we would research, determine a plan, and set it into action. We would determine what the problem was, and why. See how we could resolve it, and lay out a plan, and give it a follow through. We would assert ourselves into the scene and make sure it was effective, until the issue was resolved.
  • Explain how the SARA Model would be utilized by a police department that was considering implementing community policing.
When complaints are called into the department, we will get called to the scene, we will investigate the problem, and determine the area of the problem and expertise needed. When problems exist for constant calls on the same problems, such as domestic violence calls, we will send someone out to speak with the family, and if children are involved we will also send out a case worker to determine if the children need counseling and protection. We will suggest that the couple seek help, such as counseling, and such. And explain the situation, with domestic violence, and the fact that it is in fact a crime. This is one example how a situation can be handled, with a family who frequently calls with domestic violence, and children.
When calls for drug related problems and paraphernalia are called out to the same place constantly, we may send out a drug counselor to advise the person or persons on the way to get help. Give them advice on how to help, (not that they will listen, or even let the people into the house) but it can will and could be a way to get the person to get the help they needed.
Community Policing Learns of their Crime Stats by way of: Police learn about crimes through:
  1. Citizen reports
  2. Police officer on-view observations
  3. Police-initiated investigations
These are implanted into the SARA system as explained above and used with the data. As I have explained with the SARA Model, this would implement in the Scanning section: prioritizing the problem, step one, then we could go onto Analysis, determine any relevant data to be collected. Simply implement these steps, and the other steps that I did not include, and follow them, thoroughly. Do not deter from them, and stand firm.
Making a Difference:
The main idea for the SARA Model is the cure the problem, preventing further problems in the first place, therefore the goal is to seek out where the problems stems from and make it go away. Naturally it isn’t going to be an easy or simple fix, and it will take some time, so things must be implemented and people and agencies must work together to make everything work, orchestrating everything into the perfect symphony.
The SARA Model has received public recognition and deemed successful so much so, that even Canada deemed for the Royal Mounted Police to follow it and named theirs CAPRA, the acronym stands for: Clients Acquire/Analyze information, Partnerships, Responses and Assessment into Action. Afterwards, the United Kingdom adopted and implemented the Five I’s or 5I’s which entails: Intelligence, Interventions, Implementation, Involvement, and Impact. Thereafter the London Metropolitan Police, along with the Sixth Sense implemented 13 more steps. Because of the SARA Model, these steps were followed, and impacted these agencies. As you can well enough see, change does make a difference.

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